Sunday, June 29, 2008

Thinking about those darn Gas prices!

Often when I knit (which i love doing) I will hear something cross the news or when I am on the internet I'll read something that just makes me shake my head and wonder what are people thinking are they thinking at all. Plus what is it going to take for us to really do something about the gas prices? When are we really going to stop saying I am just a common person I can't help I'm nobody with no money. Who's going to listen to me?

I read yesterday where a chinese investor paid 2.1 million dollars to eat dinner with jimmy buffet. I just sat there and said WHAT! There are people all over the world starving, people in the United States without healthcare struggling to feed there families and someone pays Jimmy Buffet 2.1 million to have dinner. How on earth does anyone let this happen or for that stand for it. I don't care to hear about things like this what's it purpose to rub it in people's faces. I do believe there are more common people then rich and I also strongly believe Jimmy Buffet wouldn't be where he is without those common people. So where is our cut of the 2.1 million? I certainly don't want to hear it was donated to a worthy cause as those worthy causes only give the rich more tax breaks. A worthy cause to me is taking that money and writing a check to every common person struggling today. Which leads me to this I believe the government is way to involved in our lives and actors, singers, and sports figures are way over paid.

I can remember growing up in a middle class common household in the 50's till the late 70's when I reached my 20's. A time when neighbors got together at some point in the day to say hello and chat. A time if you where new in a neighborhood someone made a dish and welcomed you to there area. A time when neighbors made a point to help each other. I grew up in the last of the best era that makes me happy yet sad at the same time because its over and things have changed people have changed. I had a good childhood strange at times in many ways, always wondering if anyone else was experiencing the same often looking at other kids and homes wishing I lived there, it must have been nicer or happier, so through my eyes it looked and seemed. Everything that wasn't me around me or in our house seemed nicer. I was just too young to realize everything is always the same no matter where you are and situations, problems are just different or more intense. That people with money or no money or maybe just enough money had happiness along with sadness. Neither knows no dollar amount. Money may help in some areas but in others it means nothing. Ask the child who's passing of cancer about his families money I am sure you'll find it worth nothing if it can't save the child's life.

I use to ask myself or say to my friends and family how is this happening why don't people with money help instead of wanting more? Well, as you get older your realize just how it's happening and just where there head sits. You understand why the not so pretty girl has the great looking guy or visa versa. You understand more than you want too. I certainly believe that's why the middle aged and elderly get so plunt and outspoken. They know the world for what it really is...and that makes them angry mislead, and untrusting.

have to close for now will continue later.....

Its early morning hours!

It has been a long day so this entry is going to be a bit shorter as I am tired and getting ready to call it a day. I got to see my grandbabie today ain't nothing better in life then to fall in love all over again. But, at this age it's getting harder to keep up, gosh the energy they have and I give it my best to play with them. After all isn't that what grammies do spoil and play with there grandbabies. However, I do delight in sending them home. LoL! Not that I couldn't hug them forever but this girls bones are tired after raising my own.

My garden is going really really great! It's organic and I have already had many wonderful salads plus blisters on my hands. I do love it tremendously! I have found a new respect for farmers and especially those decades ago that had to rely on producing there own food. When you get out there and really find yourself taking care of a veggie garden without the pestisides and using good old fashion weeding, hoeing, planting you realize how tough it truly the time I get done I am exhausted. It is a wonderful exhaustion when you see your garden producing veggies. Its a real accomplishment as it comes with hard work and great rewards. I seem to be cradling it like a new baby. I even look forward to next season as I have learned so much this season. So I say for those of you who think you can't do it...go for it you will be surprized plus the food is so fresh in taste.

If you are curious and have any questions regarding planting a veggie garden feel free to ask I will be happy to help. For now though I am closing for the night. I hope you will stop back as I do plan on tapping into many different subjects including creating ideas.