Saturday, August 16, 2008

Watermelon Yum!

My baby...yup a watermelon. LOL! I am currently gently caring for 13 baby watermelon. I have one that is the size of a small child's basket ball. These are organic crimson sweet watermelon. They get to be about 20 to 25 lbs at largest. The key is picking them at just the right time and keeping them free of weeds. It takes a lot of care to plant an organic garden. Keeping up with the weeds is the hardest task and chasing away any unwanted predators. I get such a kick out of all the insects I have seen in just one summer garden. I enjoy it all. No personal accomplishment with your hands is better than planting your own garden...caring for it and eating the rewards. It is truly a inspirational, spiritual, self esteem charging process I have embraced with all of my being.

When you have an organic garden it's important to keep the weeds at bay. Especially around watermelon, cantaloupe, and green beans/peas. Keeping any weeds at bay is highly recommended but very important to certain veggies. The key to picking a watermelon is the underside, it should be yellow where it lays on the ground. Picking too soon renders a blah watermelon and picking too late renders a sour one. The tentacles the curly little guys on the branches will also turn brown when the watermelon is ready. But when you taste this home grown guy you will look at store bought so differently.

If I could share or feed every starving human in the world I would do so with no questions and a humble heart. I would like to take a moment and Bless those without may they find the helping hand they need to survive. The next time you bite into anything remember those without, your heart will thank you by growing humble and as it grows you will find yourself stretching your hand where needed. Have an awesome day and smile at anyone even if they think your nuts or they don't respond, it feels good just to know you did. Blessings to all creatures and every human in which I share this world.

Garden Update

It's been awhile since I updated my blog concerning my organic garden. I can't believe how fast the summer has gone by and now my winter garden is planted. Children have no sense of time which is why days just seem to go on and on. I truly believe it is the key to making your life longer. Just imagine if we weren't aware of time. If time didn't matter than age wouldn't matter and the world would not care so much about aging...Maybe! Here is something else I found to be true. When I was young I use to make sure I looked presentable when I went out almost always worried about who would be watching. NOT anymore in fact not for quite awhile and I LOVE it. Now I am not saying I don't bathe or brush my teeth that is common sense. I just don't apply the makeup as much or for that hardly ever now and you know what I discovered? Most of the population is the common people everyday ordinary workers, walkers of life. I am treated fair better now than ever before. I believe it all has to do with keeping my appearance natural. By doing so I am just an average everyday walker of life threatening no one. I interact with everyone I pass or stand in line with even if its a simple smile and hello.
I remember when I was younger woman would stare, men would gaze, and I would be amazed. I certainly didn't understand. I was no picture perfect beauty but some seem to think so. My mistake was dressing the way people perceived me. Wrong! I had to look as though I came off a run way or was polished by the hair patrol when in fact inside I was actual just a simple soul that needed nothing other than simple surrounds, necessities, laughter and love. So many saw me as high maintenance. Wrong again and they would be shocked when they found out who I actually was has a person. Humble, practical, simple, intelligent, giving and loving. What does this have to do with gardening? Not a damn thing LOL!
So the tomatoes are awesome in flavor. It is no wonder people love home grown veggies. The lettuce has pasted it is a cool veggie. I did plant more for fall. I did however find a gentleman on one of my tomato plants, don't get excited it wasn't a man it was a tomato worm. I will post a picture later. He was enormous and ate quite well off of one plant. They are so hard to see they blend right in with the green of the tomato plant. The tomatoes I am picking are just awesome in flavor and I planted just about every species possible. Next year plant tomatoes even if they are in planter you won't be sorry you did.