When you have an organic garden it's important to keep the weeds at bay. Especially around watermelon, cantaloupe, and green beans/peas. Keeping any weeds at bay is highly recommended but very important to certain veggies. The key to picking a watermelon is the underside, it should be yellow where it lays on the ground. Picking too soon renders a blah watermelon and picking too late renders a sour one. The tentacles the curly little guys on the branches will also turn brown when the watermelon is ready. But when you taste this home grown guy you will look at store bought so differently.
If I could share or feed every starving human in the world I would do so with no questions and a humble heart. I would like to take a moment and Bless those without may they find the helping hand they need to survive. The next time you bite into anything remember those without, your heart will thank you by growing humble and as it grows you will find yourself stretching your hand where needed. Have an awesome day and smile at anyone even if they think your nuts or they don't respond, it feels good just to know you did. Blessings to all creatures and every human in which I share this world.