Now the point of this post is not the cupcake naturally if it's from a box and can what needs to be explained. No, the point of the post of course has to be the obvious, my lovely, delightful, giving, children. Did I just say all that? You bet, I found myself over the summer conversating with many baby boomer mothers. Talking about none other than our children. It goes something like this....
Excuse me am I in your way? Oh, no not at all you're fine.
Phone vibrates, Oh, excuse me I have a text of course from one of my children.
If they can't find me, or I don't answer they just panic. Really, how many children to you have?
3 how often do you see them, hardly ever but they seem to find time to text. I hate it. Now don't get me wrong they're wonderful kids, WAIT there it is that stupid repetitive line, they're wonderful kids, What the fuck! Wonderful kids exactly what are we talking about? I have to stop for a moment and answer this to my readers, it's crap that's what it is, a guilty feeling hits you because you're complaining about them in one way, we must confirm we didn't raise bad children. So today I said no more, I refuse to ever use that line again. Besides if they are without flaws, which is what that statement may imply then what would they have to learn in life. So continue reading the conversation as it goes like this....
They can't visit but they sure can text. What happen to go old talking on the phone or for that your child visiting. I know she replies I feel the same way.
It's seems the generations today just don't care about there parents, she says.
I hear ya, I reply. It's awful, sure they wanna know if you're dead if they can't get you, but they have no interest while you're living. How convenient a cell phone makes it for them.
Yes, I know, I figure if I end up with Alzheimer's someday my kids will abuse me when I can't remember a thing. I hear ya, she laughs, it's scary to get old knowing your children won't want to take care of you, ending up in a nursing home without a visitor.
The only part of aging I truly hate, I reply. They just assume as you age your getting better. No need to worry until they show up and then it's watch your step, be careful. I say where the hell have you been for the last month. Now your worried, oh right out of sight out of mind.
Sometimes I wondered why I even had them she says, I hear ya, living alone you would think they would check in more often. I hear ya again she replies. My husband died and they still don't visit. Shaking our heads we say, it was nice talking to you have a nice day.
So I say this....what the hell...where has all the human compassion gone? The family unit. The times when people knew there neighbors, helped each other. When I visit my neighbor it's oh, what's up, what do you need, is there something you want. Hello, yes as a matter of fact you idiot it's called a visit.
Of course I understand it even more now, I am a content, happy person, with myself, but it doesn't mean others are the same. I can tell by responses what page someone is on in life and more than none it's on the idiot page. How can I be so critical, I was there once and after all experience leads to knowledge if you pay attention there is a lesson and that my friend leads to self acceptance. If I have been there I can throw stones and believe me I plan on hitting my mark when I do.
In one sentence out of someones mouth, I can immediately tell just how hard and fast I plan on hitting. It's like a Dr. Phil moment when you look at the person and say to yourself how's that working for you or hello am I on some other planet. Each and everyday I am finding the human race more and more self involved right down to my own children and grand children.
Speaking of grand children I have two, babysit them, I think NOT, why? They're like wild animals let loose to do whatever they want to anything they want, when they want. I never thought I would have grand children who have lost they're minds, let alone a child of mine letting them do so.
What the fuck I say to my son, have you lost some part of your brain? No he says I get no help, she's never home working all the time. Well who the hell do you think helped me raise my kids, the mother fairy? As I get looked at like how do I answer this.
Then he looks at his son's and says, if grandma had you for a month you wouldn't be doing what your doing. No shit I say, but, what the hell is wrong with you. Oh, wait let me see cell phones, and video games have lead you to believe children raise themselves. I told my daughter as I told my son directly, I don't think he knows he has any children with the video games. Yes, if I talk about you I am sure not afraid to say it to your face, what's the point of saying it all if you can't.
So in the end what's the solution....time....eventually mother nature, planet earth, the universe and all that other stuff is going to correct itself, it has throughout history unless we start looking around us really looking and taking notice. The troubles and scrambles of the world can only go on for so long before everything hits the fan and change occurs. It happens in people's lives everyday eventually something has to give and things change. So we wait, wait for people to see it first or the universe to step in and change it all. Take us back to simple times when people had to work together help each other. Every catastrophe teaches us that if only we would apply it beyond that moment, wouldn't it be grand!
Now as far as my own children, using the guilt bomb is not my style or for that the way I operate. It's only self serving and that's not me. So this is what I do I'm only there for them if it's a life threatening or a dangerous situation. Other than that it is the fall of my own life and I plan on enjoying it as much as I possible can. What about you?
Oh, and the cupcakes you bet I eat them life is about doing and choices, and I choose cupcakes whenever possible.