Monday, July 7, 2008

July Fourth Weekend

I had a wonderful weekend. I spent the most part of it in the garden and creating other items knitting, sewing, etc. I mangaged to see a few fireworks, danced in my driveway to the music of Heart (your never too old to dance) and had a blast! I did fit in my 30 minute walk before my own fourth of july evening. But, the ending to a wonderful weekend was the best ever.....I spent it with my grandbabies.

Spending time with Brennan (4) and Owen (18mos.) was so spectacular. Better than any fireworks show. We went to the park across from there home (behind a grade school) while Brennan showed me how well he could swing I sat on a swing with Owen in front on my lap. What a smile as we started to swing. We moved from there to those climbing devices with the slides and tons of other functions. I watched Brennan do them all and praised him. The sun was getting to Brennan's eyes so he ask if I would let him wear my sunglasses. Sure, I said and within seconds he replied Wow grammie I can look at the sun with your glasses Thanks, Grammie.

After awhile Brennan got hot and went to the shaded area yelling grammie come over here no sun. I thought thank God! I am sweating and a hot flash is not helping... so I took Owen by the hand and we headed over to Brennan, he was in a huge area with a hill. I chased them both up and down the hill around the trees, found a golf ball watched Brennan throw it into the pond over the fence. Finally I took of my sandals at the top of the hill started to run towards the boy's with my arms out like an airplane tilting back and forth it was excellerating. I felt like a little girl all over again. The boy's laughed and of course tried the same. Then Brennie decided it was time to lay down on the grass at the top of the hill and roll down. However, he decided he wouldn't do this without grammie participating. I can not tell you how amazing it felt! Although a bit dizzy in the process neither of us could stand right away. Then Owen began walking in last falls leaves listening to the crunch how precious a simple sound, a new sound, a different experience captured his attention. I felt gifted to see such a site. A moment that lite up all my senses.

We ended the evening by going to Burger King watching them play in the playroom through all the tubes. Then it happened Owen found himself at the top inside the tubes and couldn't find his way out. Brennan left him and went on to play. He cried and cried I took off into the tubes started to round one of the corner when I saw his dad's legs heading to the top where I was going next. Hearing a child cry in all those tubes trust me makes it hard to find them it just kept echoing. Of course his dad came out Owen in arms and dad saying I'm getting too old to climb in those things. Okay, he's 28 I am 52 and he thinks he's getting old. You just do what ya have to in a time of crisis. After Burger King we took off to Krogers, a local store, Owen and I waited in the truck then we headed home. I decided to bathe Owen in the sink just a quick dip to get the evening sweat off. Next thing I know I am putting Brennan in other side of the sink. Boy oh Boy! water went everywhere and who cared Nobody it was another gift to be in the presence of such a moment.

I will tell everyone who reads...I am very blessed in so many many ways. But, the greatest blessing of all...I started to focus on my own life by looking inside myself ( no matter what I would fiind) accepting and changing the negatives focusing on my positive qualities, became a spiritual person, accepted and let go of the past... which lead to all the blessings that followed...I opened my eyes to life. A complete life a new awareness of family, friends, and this wonderful earth.

1 comment:

Jimat Kalimasadha said...

Mam, happy fourth of July... Hemm, it's the greatest weekend. And your lightening you bring makes me happy to. Salam kenal dari Indonesia, terima kasih