Monday, July 14, 2008

A reminder of 2005

It was the year my daughter graduated. How can one explain the joy a child brings to your life. I wouldn't have missed this for anything this world had to offer to stop me. Life seems kinda twisted sometimes. We start out knowing very little and learning as we go. We get to middle age and suddenly things make sense. I hear so many people say, "if I could go back with what I know now I would change certain things" I wouldn't change a thing and trust me I made some banger mistakes. But were all individuals come to this life on different levels. Some more mature than others. I was meant to be taught things that others may have already known. They had there own lessons. It doesn't make me dumb, stupid whatever words you want to choose. It just made my life my own. I wasn't born to be like anyone else. I love learning even if its the smallest thing. In fact my daughter just taught me a few years back how to recognize a mosquito. LOL! It felt great to learn. Not, that I want to smash them as I respect all walks of life. But, when they bite it's a natural reaction. After all it does hurt!

As you can probably can tell I love to laugh. I will sit alone think of something just laugh and when I am done it's feels awesome, so calming. I laugh at sitcom repeats I see a million times(exaggerated) and say out loud thank you. I will put a cd in my dvd player crank up the music and just go crazy. And, of course I talk to everyone. Really people are interesting they are a part of my life I pass them everyday why not say hello and chat. Besides I love to make people smile. By the way (if I am correct) put simple dogs together and they mingle, often play. How often do you see them fight? By the's really okay to wrong or incorrect. It's funny isn't it practically every species will fight for the change to be with the opposite sex. Unlike the black widow who kills her mate or the pray mantes who takes his head off. Wow! Now that's really going out for the opposite sex. Right now I am sitting here being thankful I am a female and laughing again.

So back to my daughter and how twisted life seems to is my theory. I think it's backwards. At the expense of our children, families we start our journey in life confused looking for our place.... only to end up in the same place as everyone else... going into the kitchen and wondering why we are there. I do this often now... I stop say, oh damn, walk back in the living room sit down, then say oh, that's right. Back out I go I get what I wanted... it's all that matters. I just seem to be leaving brain cells everywhere these days and that's okay. How may cells does the brain have anyway? Maybe I better look it up! Maybe I should keep track of how many cells I have left? Im laughing as I type thinking... won't I loose track eventually as they go? Oh...well.

My daughter is just as wonderful as my grandchildren. I remember watching her as she grew up. I remember watching all my children. Oh yeah there were times I'd think... calgon take me away but then they'd do something amazing as a simple new word, bye bye, or fall asleep and I'd stand there just starring. I did that a lot as they grew... I know they didn't notice but they have been told. Children say so much without saying anything at all...just a look, a facial expression, body posture, the songs they choose, the shows that interest them will tell you so much more... then there words will ever say. Not one moment when they walk in my door do I not notice everything about them, it tells me so much.

Now to my point of 2005 I was at the gas station today...I heard these words from a song...the time of your life. It was the song her class picked for there school graduation. I may not be exactly correct, but I heard it and immediately I smiled. These are the moments of the past you hold on too. They are the ones worth keeping and replaying. These are your aw moments. Everytime you say aw it feels wonderful, try watch her graduate see her in her cap and gown was an aw....however her wedding day well you can only imagine...I looked at her hubby to be then watched her dad walk her down the isle and I smiled, cried tears of happiness said to myself I see the beauty of this life before my eyes.

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