Now I am waiting for my fall garden. Currently I have planted a row of peas, green beans, butterhead lettuce, carrots and beets. With everything I have learned I am looking forward to next spring. I plan on adding strawberries to the mix. Before I close for the night I have to say I never knew how important bee's were to the production of our food till I planted a garden. In order for watermelon, cantaloupe, squash, cucumbers and more to produce a good crop bee's must pollenate each flower that blooms on the stems. So the next time you see a bee or it lands near you think twice before you swat the insect that feeds you. It's amazing what you learn about life when you least expect it. Keep learning it truly is fuel for the brain. Till next time blessings to all and remember to offer a smile to everyone you pass today even if they don't smile back you did a good thing. Knowing that is all that matters. :0)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Tons of Tomatoes!
Now I am waiting for my fall garden. Currently I have planted a row of peas, green beans, butterhead lettuce, carrots and beets. With everything I have learned I am looking forward to next spring. I plan on adding strawberries to the mix. Before I close for the night I have to say I never knew how important bee's were to the production of our food till I planted a garden. In order for watermelon, cantaloupe, squash, cucumbers and more to produce a good crop bee's must pollenate each flower that blooms on the stems. So the next time you see a bee or it lands near you think twice before you swat the insect that feeds you. It's amazing what you learn about life when you least expect it. Keep learning it truly is fuel for the brain. Till next time blessings to all and remember to offer a smile to everyone you pass today even if they don't smile back you did a good thing. Knowing that is all that matters. :0)
My first Homegrown Organic Cantaloupe!
Well it took a bit of time but I finally grew my first organic homegrown cantaloupe. It smells absolutely amazing compared to store bought. It's not one of the larger melons it weighs 2 lbs 11 oz. but the size is actually due to the lack of rain. Cantaloupes are very hard to grown. They are susceptible to so many diseases and they like being watered using a drip method. They also have to be raised off the ground with a can or a flat rock so they don't rot while growing. I did not know how sensitive cantaloupes really were until I grew them. I lost about 5 plants in the process each had a softball size melon attached but I still have about 10 melons growing. What I really found fascinating when they mature they just detach from the stem. Unlike watermelon they let you know when they're ripe. I will be digging into this little guy this weekend.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Watermelon Yum!
When you have an organic garden it's important to keep the weeds at bay. Especially around watermelon, cantaloupe, and green beans/peas. Keeping any weeds at bay is highly recommended but very important to certain veggies. The key to picking a watermelon is the underside, it should be yellow where it lays on the ground. Picking too soon renders a blah watermelon and picking too late renders a sour one. The tentacles the curly little guys on the branches will also turn brown when the watermelon is ready. But when you taste this home grown guy you will look at store bought so differently.
If I could share or feed every starving human in the world I would do so with no questions and a humble heart. I would like to take a moment and Bless those without may they find the helping hand they need to survive. The next time you bite into anything remember those without, your heart will thank you by growing humble and as it grows you will find yourself stretching your hand where needed. Have an awesome day and smile at anyone even if they think your nuts or they don't respond, it feels good just to know you did. Blessings to all creatures and every human in which I share this world.
Garden Update
It's been awhile since I updated my blog concerning my organic garden. I can't believe how fast the summer has gone by and now my winter garden is planted. Children have no sense of time which is why days just seem to go on and on. I truly believe it is the key to making your life longer. Just imagine if we weren't aware of time. If time didn't matter than age wouldn't matter and the world would not care so much about aging...Maybe! Here is something else I found to be true. When I was young I use to make sure I looked presentable when I went out almost always worried about who would be watching. NOT anymore in fact not for quite awhile and I LOVE it. Now I am not saying I don't bathe or brush my teeth that is common sense. I just don't apply the makeup as much or for that hardly ever now and you know what I discovered? Most of the population is the common people everyday ordinary workers, walkers of life. I am treated fair better now than ever before. I believe it all has to do with keeping my appearance natural. By doing so I am just an average everyday walker of life threatening no one. I interact with everyone I pass or stand in line with even if its a simple smile and hello.
I remember when I was younger woman would stare, men would gaze, and I would be amazed. I certainly didn't understand. I was no picture perfect beauty but some seem to think so. My mistake was dressing the way people perceived me. Wrong! I had to look as though I came off a run way or was polished by the hair patrol when in fact inside I was actual just a simple soul that needed nothing other than simple surrounds, necessities, laughter and love. So many saw me as high maintenance. Wrong again and they would be shocked when they found out who I actually was has a person. Humble, practical, simple, intelligent, giving and loving. What does this have to do with gardening? Not a damn thing LOL!
So the tomatoes are awesome in flavor. It is no wonder people love home grown veggies. The lettuce has pasted it is a cool veggie. I did plant more for fall. I did however find a gentleman on one of my tomato plants, don't get excited it wasn't a man it was a tomato worm. I will post a picture later. He was enormous and ate quite well off of one plant. They are so hard to see they blend right in with the green of the tomato plant. The tomatoes I am picking are just awesome in flavor and I planted just about every species possible. Next year plant tomatoes even if they are in planter you won't be sorry you did.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
My Grandbabies
I have two beautiful grandson's that I absolutely adore. I went to visit Friday night and had a blast. Although by the time I leave I am just totally exhausted it is well worth it. I wouldn't miss one chance to spend quality time with them for anything.
Brennan is 4 almost 5 the end of this month. Brennan and I share a birthday together... what could be more wonderful than to have your grandson born on your birthday. I just love the way he says August 31. He says August thirty thirst. To hear him say that is a moment to Cherish. It makes my day and leaves a lasting smile in my heart. This little one love video games, is so incredible intelligent I am always in aw. I know being a grammie I tend to be bias but this statement is so true. He well surpasses most 5 year old.
Then there is Owen 17 months of pure gooey, mushy, sensitive, lovable, hugable, clingable love. I use sign language with him as much as possible to help him communicate the words his hasn't found yet. When I tell him no I sign the word and for the first time he signed it back as he said Hey No. LOL! Another lasting smile to my heart. Although they are both very sensitive personalities Owen is the one who loves to be held will sit in front of you when you watch TV and make sure your arms are wrapped around him. He will sit there as long as I do.
I always bathe them when I visit...I put them in the sink the way I did with my children and let them splash away. Brennan is tiny for 5 so he fits just fine. Owen always slides around the sink like a fish out of water. It's a picture perfect moment. Water goes everywhere and I say who cares it's the moment that matters a mess can always be cleaned but there moment is one that only last for the time your there. It can't be replaced once it's over that moment is gone. These are the moments with my own children and grand babies I cherish in my life. Every word spoken, every position they create and every look they give is worth stopping your world to enjoy. My wish for the people of the world is to notice these moments, embrace them and never pass one by for anything or anyone. If you can do this you are truly living life as it's meant to be. I also chase them, watch cartoons always asking questions to let them know I am interested in everything they do.
By chance I meant a man at the grocery store, his name I can't recall...I could only recall the statement he made that sadden my heart. A married man who struck up a casual conversation with no intent other than to talk to another human being. As we exchanged words I learned so much even in his appearance. Tall, gray hair, mid forties, well polished with cologne. I knew just from his appearance what it meant. I knew he had a position in life that made him money. I ask he confirmed...a corporate attorney, once prosecuting attorney. He expressed how much he loved being a prosecutor so I ask why corporate? He answered with this...I have children. I returned with...and how much money do you think your children need? He just grinned. Then I said, "have you ask your children it that is what they really want or do you think they might want more time with you?" Again he grinned and shrugged his shoulders and we went our separate ways. My only hope is that he though about the question I had ask and then applied it to his children.
In my experience with children I understand they ask for a lot of things but in the end if we would ask them what they really want from a mommy or daddy they will say time and love. Offering money and material things does not build character it only creates an empty, insecure, lost child, a child who has no idea who they are in this world and the only thing that defines who are then becomes things that lead to many more things. I am saddened that in this World we have created today, time is limited, both parents are working barely making ends meant causing verbal confrontations which our children absorb like sponges. This is what corporate and government has created for our children today. It's no wonder the children today our lost, disrespectful, unruly, who is left there to discipline. We can't always place blame on the children.
Speak out for the children...listen to your children...spend time with your children...find the time always, tell them you love the always and this will give them more than you know. Children cling and look forward to those who acknowledge them and I don't know about you...but that makes my heart feel wonderful! To my own children and grandchildren I love you always, always.
I also have a new blog which can help you understand more about your children, spouse, etc. Simply go to
Brennan is 4 almost 5 the end of this month. Brennan and I share a birthday together... what could be more wonderful than to have your grandson born on your birthday. I just love the way he says August 31. He says August thirty thirst. To hear him say that is a moment to Cherish. It makes my day and leaves a lasting smile in my heart. This little one love video games, is so incredible intelligent I am always in aw. I know being a grammie I tend to be bias but this statement is so true. He well surpasses most 5 year old.
Then there is Owen 17 months of pure gooey, mushy, sensitive, lovable, hugable, clingable love. I use sign language with him as much as possible to help him communicate the words his hasn't found yet. When I tell him no I sign the word and for the first time he signed it back as he said Hey No. LOL! Another lasting smile to my heart. Although they are both very sensitive personalities Owen is the one who loves to be held will sit in front of you when you watch TV and make sure your arms are wrapped around him. He will sit there as long as I do.
I always bathe them when I visit...I put them in the sink the way I did with my children and let them splash away. Brennan is tiny for 5 so he fits just fine. Owen always slides around the sink like a fish out of water. It's a picture perfect moment. Water goes everywhere and I say who cares it's the moment that matters a mess can always be cleaned but there moment is one that only last for the time your there. It can't be replaced once it's over that moment is gone. These are the moments with my own children and grand babies I cherish in my life. Every word spoken, every position they create and every look they give is worth stopping your world to enjoy. My wish for the people of the world is to notice these moments, embrace them and never pass one by for anything or anyone. If you can do this you are truly living life as it's meant to be. I also chase them, watch cartoons always asking questions to let them know I am interested in everything they do.
By chance I meant a man at the grocery store, his name I can't recall...I could only recall the statement he made that sadden my heart. A married man who struck up a casual conversation with no intent other than to talk to another human being. As we exchanged words I learned so much even in his appearance. Tall, gray hair, mid forties, well polished with cologne. I knew just from his appearance what it meant. I knew he had a position in life that made him money. I ask he confirmed...a corporate attorney, once prosecuting attorney. He expressed how much he loved being a prosecutor so I ask why corporate? He answered with this...I have children. I returned with...and how much money do you think your children need? He just grinned. Then I said, "have you ask your children it that is what they really want or do you think they might want more time with you?" Again he grinned and shrugged his shoulders and we went our separate ways. My only hope is that he though about the question I had ask and then applied it to his children.
In my experience with children I understand they ask for a lot of things but in the end if we would ask them what they really want from a mommy or daddy they will say time and love. Offering money and material things does not build character it only creates an empty, insecure, lost child, a child who has no idea who they are in this world and the only thing that defines who are then becomes things that lead to many more things. I am saddened that in this World we have created today, time is limited, both parents are working barely making ends meant causing verbal confrontations which our children absorb like sponges. This is what corporate and government has created for our children today. It's no wonder the children today our lost, disrespectful, unruly, who is left there to discipline. We can't always place blame on the children.
Speak out for the children...listen to your children...spend time with your children...find the time always, tell them you love the always and this will give them more than you know. Children cling and look forward to those who acknowledge them and I don't know about you...but that makes my heart feel wonderful! To my own children and grandchildren I love you always, always.
I also have a new blog which can help you understand more about your children, spouse, etc. Simply go to
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
And now the final product! This turned out so awesome. I delivered it to my daughter who just moved into a gorgeous home with her hubby...a marine who served three terms in Iraq. I admired her for standing strong and by his side while he was in Iraq, I don't know if I could have been as calm as she appeared and sounded...I also want to thank my son in law for inlisting and going to Iraq with such courage. He made me realize exactly what a band of brothers meant. I came to understand no matter what we might feel about the United States his choice and there commitment to each other is truly remarkable....Thank you to my son in law and every other soldier that braves the land of the Middle East. Bless all who loose their lives both military and civilian... For the military who remain God Bless all I hope you come home soon safe and sound. So my daughter said she ate two slices when I left last night and loved it. If you'd like to make this cake or want to order one just email and I can give you information. I also make children's birthday cakes like spiderman, sesame street characters, etc.
I used canned frosting for this project...and I also ate the slice that leveled off the bottom. Of course I frosted the slice first. Who can cook chocolate without eating it? was definitely an aw moment when I bite into the slice. I applied the frosting with a spoon dabbing it on the entire top. Then I took the spoon and evened it out. After that I took the same spoon started at the top and followed the swirls. Topped it with large candy dots and sprinkles.
After leveling the bottom of the cake I covered it with a layer of frosting to bond the top and bottom together. You have to see it to believe it....this cupcake is the biggest I have seen. I also need to tell you it took 60 minutes for this baby to cook. Although it's huge you can't believe it serves 10 to 12 people. Next comes the fun of decorating!
The Making of a Huge Cupcake!
Here is the start of the biggest cupcake I ever made!! The pan was amazing and the cake released very well. The pan is a Dimensions Bakeware product for those who are curious.
There are a few things I will do different next time. One is don't follow the directions completely. The directions say to put 4 1/2 cups of the cake mix in the left side top of the cupcake I would shorten that by not measuring and just pouring the cake about 1" from the top of the rim. The rest obviously in the right side.
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