Sunday, December 28, 2008

WOW! it's been awhile since I have posted

Well, hello again to all...I didn't think it was that long since I have posted, but then again time waits for no one and flies faster than we think possible.

I hope all who read had a wonderful Holiday. Mine was great I couldn't have ask for a better end of the year. But, the biggest thing on my mind was all the people without for those Holidays. I just couldn't seem to get them or the image I had created out of my mind. How can we as human's let or for that allow this to happen?

For my own Holiday the gift I recieved was not what came in a Kohl's box, it was the presence of all my children. my grandbabies and looking at my daughter's first Christmas celebration in her own home. Her meal was incredible, her face priceless, and to be in her presence after so many prior complications was more than I could have wished for...between her and her hubbee Aaron, I felt I was finally home. Home's not a certain place or a building it's being in the heart and if where fortunate it's also in the presence of those who love us. When you have those opportunities soak them in they make you richer than anyone in the world with money and things. When you do that it will humble you heart and soul. So, when am going to the nursing home? LOL I had to add that for a bit of lightness if you know me it's what I do!

Which takes me down this mother passed in 2005, my father in 1986 I will always miss them both it's a given. I get visits in my dreams, visits that are just as important as if they were still here. The last one I recall was about 2 weeks ago, we were sitting in my kitchen here in my apartment. My father was at the chair by the door and my mother was a table length across just as when we did when I was young as we sat to eat. I can't recall exactly the conversation word for word but it was a simple visit, simple conversation a very warm feeling accompanied by a smile when I woke. I was just as grateful for that visit as I would be today if they were alive. The mind is a wonderful tool, it's ability to retain moments and store them when we want to travel back in time. I find it just as wonderful as the heart. Funny, although my father passed she never found anyone again or for that had the desire to do so. For that I alone I hand them a respect I can't begin to describe. In the end my mother passed NOT in a nursing home but in her own home. I couldn't have ask for anything more for the way she left this earth. It was right where she always wanted to be.

I often don't understand or can I wrap my mind around a nursing home when those people who live there have family alive. It's almost like taking a dog to the pound and saying I don't want to do this anymore or for that at all. It's just too much trouble. How can a human be too much trouble? How can any human be too much trouble? I know one thing for sure we are all reminded of this someday, we all grow old it's the travels of being alive. One day we all walk in the same shoes those old worn tattered shoes that we pass to the next generation who then pass them to the next, till we are all but a memory. In the end I believe the most important thing is not whether we lived it's how we lived, did we give our hearts to those we love, did we make sure they knew they were loved no matter how diffucult there life or even the choices they made. Did we listen, process, respond with our hearts without judging. It's truly not what we say it's what we do that really counts.

Here is my secret and truth to a happy life....get to know yourself first! Accept yourself flaws and all it's okay they are yours and that makes them special and unique. Do NOT focus on what others think of you that are not part of your life... it truly doesn't matter to your life. Accept accept yourself for just being a part of this earth this journey. Place your hand on your heart and say these words, I love you. Once you do all this everything else will fall in place. You will find a happy, peaceful, simpilier life ahead.

Happy New Year to all be safe, be happy, have fun, but most of all give love to those important in your life and a hand to all.

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