Friday, July 11, 2008

My first Garden! Yeah!

I planted my first garden this year or should I say first full garden. I have grown tomatoes and a few peppers but they where always just in the back yard. This time I have access to a wonderful huge garden. This is not a current picture I will post one later so you can see how it looks now. I can't tell you what gardening truly does for your life. Not only do you get to play in the dirt which brings out the child inside that needs to play to stay active and young at heart. I get to connect with my spirit which keeps me grounded teaches me so much about myself and then I thank god for everything.

Everytime I go out to the garden my first thought I can't wait to see what has changed and then I get to pull weeds. I am an artist so pulling weeds is like painting or sketching a picture. After the weeds are gone walla a masterpiece. LOL....I know the time I spend in the garden is actually time I am spending nurturing my spirit. It's a place that keeps me humble, grounded, reminds me that we share this planet, this earth, with everything, you reading, the trees, insects, animals, water, the sky, the ground, just everything. Often I go outside at night sit on top of my car close my eyes and just listen to the sounds of the night. So much goes on even as we sleep. Then I open my eyes lie down and look at the sky. Even the stars have a place that create a gorgeous and calming picture. How lucky we are to be able to be a part of this masterpiece called life. If only we could all see and understand life go back 100 years and tell them that everything they wanted the future to am sure they would be proud, but, sadly that is not the case.

I have seen so many wonderful things and so many sad happen in my lifetime. Between them both well for me has helped mold who I am today. To realize no matter what you accumulate in material things or in money in the end we all wind up just as everything else in life gone. We don't get a season of changes renewel as years go by...just time. I will tell you a little secret of what I do almost everyday...I thank my heart, yes, my own beating heart for taking me through another day and then with my hand on my heart I say to it... I love you.

Before I go back to what I am growing in my garden I'd like to remind you of a song by Ann Murray...words are truly so important...listen they do speak.

I rolled out this morning
Kids had the mornin' news show on
Bryant Gumbel was talkin' 'bout the fighting in Lebanon
Some senator was squawkin' 'bout the bad economy
It's gonna get worse you see, we need a change in policy

There's a local paper rolled up in a rubber band
One more sad story's one more than I can stand
Just once how I'd like to see the headline say
"Not much to print today, can't find nothin' bad to say",

Nobody robbed a liquor store on the lower part of town
Nobody OD'ed, nobody burned a single buildin' down
Nobody fired a shot in anger, nobody had to die in vain
We sure could use a little good news today

I'll come home this evenin'
I'll bet that the news will be the same
Somebody takes a hostage, somebody steals a plane
How I wanna hear the anchor man talk about a county fair
And how we cleaned up the air,
how everybody learned to care
Whoa, tell me

Nobody was assassinated in the whole Third World today
And in the streets of Ireland, all the children had to do was play
And everybody loves everybody in the good old USA
We sure could use a little good news today

Nobody robbed a liquor store on the lower part of town
Nobody OD'ed, nobody burned a single buildin' down
Nobody fired a shot in anger, nobody had to die in vain
We sure could use a little good news today

Please think about these words we all need to find a way to co-exist no matter what color, religion, race, gender, etc....we are all human together. is what's in my garden, my spirit of course, cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, corn, carrots, green beans, watermelon, cantelope, butternut squash, veggie squash and tomtoes. I wish I could share it all with everyone...I do share it locally with those who need help...God Bless safe. I love you!


THEE QUEST said...

Hi,Pamela: Love your garden, would love to have one of my own, always dreamed of having the most beautifull garden,but mine would be a "flower garden".
Also loved your story about rolling down a hill with your grandchildren.
You have a beautifull spirit,and i am thankfull to have seen your post.
I am also a babyboomer and have 6 grandchild.Would love to be able to spend more time with them,with having to work and a hectic life, not always possible.
Thanks again for your post,it gave me a little smile today!

A Happy Gal said...
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